Passion on Purpose

How to Follow your Dreams and

Make life “PoP!”

The Passion and Purpose Myth

You’ve long been taught that if you’ve been paying attention to our desires and inklings you should just know your passion and live life serving your purpose. Admittedly there are those who have known since birth where their gifts lie and the have faithfully followed their excitement as a path toward their contribution to the world.

I have not been that person. This daily email plan is not for that person. (Although, they’re welcome to experiment with supplemental passions if their soul desires.)

  • Passion on Purpose (PoP) is for the rest of us. It is a daily email plan for those of us who
    don’t really know our passion but we feel a little empty without one and
  • want to be of service to others in a meaningful way but fear that we don’t really have much to offer (on account of not knowing our passion). It’s a “How To Follow Your Dreams” Blueprint!!
  • I’ve helped clientele all over the world delve into their life experience, one digestible step at a time, to help them ALLOW their purpose to unfold. This is a slow and steady process designed to slide easily into the life you’re already living so that you can shift perspective toward
    ~  what you have
    ~  what you love
    ~  what you do
    so you can find what have to offer yourself and the world.

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Each month establishes a new practice toward achieving your goal.


Each 1/3 of the month focuses on a different stage of the process:

  • Clarity of Purpose
  • Gathering Resources
  • Taking action


Daily questions & prompts arrive on weekdays to help you

  • think differently
  • identify new opportunities and
  • take bold action


You rack up the wins steadily over time.

Before you know it, you’re bringing your dreams to life!

Sign Up Now To Get Started

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New Beginnings

January’s journey is about trusting, not forcing, your life’s purpose and path. It’s about beginning again with absolute faith that your next steps allow for the unfolding of your success. There is no emotional attachment to outcome here. Merely an openness to the single next step on your own personal path.

With grace and ease I allow my highest good to guide me forward.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: Identify (don’t judge) your previous commitments to change and growth.

Day 1 ~ Write down 3-5 patterns you have when you take on new challenges.
Day 2 ~ What have you done previously that worked? Why?
Day 3 ~ What have you done that doesn’t work? Why?
Day 4 ~ Have you ever watched someone else succeed during change? Who was it?
Day 5 ~ In the person you identified yesterday what did they do that seemed to work?
Day 6 ~ The pattern you identified yesterday, is that available to you to adopt? If not in whole, are there parts of it?
Day 7 ~ What is the smallest step you could take toward you goal each and every day?
Day 8 ~ When you consider committing to the step(s) you identified yesterday do you notice any resistance? Do you REALLY want what you thought you wanted?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Take stock of the resources in yourself, others and your circumstances that you can use to work toward the change/growth that you’ve identified.

Day   9 ~ What resources do you want/need for your new direction? Which ones can you pull together or commit to?
Day 10 ~ How will you track what works?
Day 11 ~ Who is willing to team up with you (friend, doctor, course, coach, me)?
Day 12 ~ What obstacles can you foresee in yourself, others or your circumstances?
Day 13 ~ What circumstances do you predict will help (journal, music, team)?
Day 14 ~ What can you say to yourself or track that will act as encouragement?
Day 15 ~ What are some minuscule milestones you can identify that feel reachable?
Day 16 ~ What rewards do you plan to use for hitting the milestones you identified yesterday?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: Follow through on the items you identified in the Gathering Portion

Day 17 ~ The resources you identified…get as many of them as you can.
Day 18 ~ Track what works for you. Dismiss the fails. Focus on the wins that will help you recommit when necessary.
Day 19 ~ Assemble your team. Rally that friend, see the doctor, hire me.
Day 20 ~ Print out the plan you created to address predictable obstacles. Visualize the implementation!!
Day 21 ~ Create the circumstances that help success. Create a playlist, carve out that quiet nook, commit to the class.
Day 22 ~ Keep a list of the encouragements you identified and say them…often…out loud…even to others!
Day 23 ~ Schedule out your milestones in your calendar. Visualize reaching them.
Day 24 ~ Use the rewards you identifies for every little success!!



February’s journey is about practicing forgiveness, grace and compassion first with yourself and then with others. Reclaiming the energy from the past and the negative stories that the past has created frees gives you the energy and creativity you need to build the life you desire.

With grace and ease I reclaim any and all energy that has been misplaced in past misdeeds and experiences.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-9, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: It’s time to simply identify the hurtful stories that play on a loop in your head. Maybe they’re form years ago. They could also be a simple argument from yesterday that keeps repeating itself. Every time you visualize that story you give that pain (the pain that is NOT even happening in real time) energy and attention. You’re unintentionally creating suffering. This month you’re going to create PEACE!

Day 1 ~ As you read the description for this month, what hurtful stories immediately sprang to mind?
Day 2 ~ Which painful stories feel like someone else’s fault? Assign a percentage that is their fault, 100%? 30%?
Day 3 ~ Which painful stories feel like they’re due to circumstances? Assign a percentage.
Day 4 ~ Which painful stories feel like they’re your fault? Assign a percentage.
Day 5 ~ Identify your always/never statements around those hurtful stories. “No one ever listens to me.” “I’m always the strong one. I never get to have the breakdown.”
Day 6 ~ What would you like to be different about your story? (not yourself, others or the circumstances…YOUR story)
Day 7 ~ What would the always/never statements change to with those differences? “Some people listen.” “There have been times when others help me.”

Gathering Portion (Days 10-18, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Consider what you have available to help you process these stories and the changes you’d like to make. Notice any new stories that arise “I only have a couple people, everyone else has a lot,” for instance. Repeat Day 1-7 on any new stories that have arisen.

Day 10 ~ Who is safe and available to process your this transformation with?
Day 11 ~ What tools do you have to use, other than the people you identified yesterday, to help you process? Meditation, journaling, me, writing letters?
Day 12 ~ What opportunities do you have to focus on the process? Vacation time, retreat, grief group, bubble bath?
Day 13 ~ Where is forgiveness necessary? Forgiveness = reclamation of energy. In other words, where do you continue to waste energy on this old story? Verbally or mentally retelling it without purpose or consciousness? Avoiding someone outright?
Day 14 ~ Where is grace possible? Where are you, others or your circumstances just simple, wounded, ill-timed participants who are also  just doing their best (even if your/their best doesn’t seem good enough).
Day 15 ~ Where are you easily compassionate? State of being…not just acts.
Day 16 ~ Where will forgiveness, grace and compassion take place in your new story?

Action Portion (Days 19-28, minus weekend)
Action Portion: It’s time to act on all of those resources and opportunities that you identified in the Gathering Portion.

Day 19 ~ Who did you identify as a safe person to process this transformation with? Recruit/hire them.
Day 20 ~ Use the tools you identified the Gathering Portion. Journal, meditate, etc.
Day 21 ~ Take that opportunity you have to focus on this process. Enjoy the retreat, vacation, bubble bath…
Day 22 ~ Forgiveness: When you catch your old story start the replay, replace it with your new one. Imagine all that energy that has been spent in the old hurt speeding it’s way back to you.
Day 23 ~ Grace: begin excising grace at every opportunity. ESPECIALLY in the areas where your old story is triggered.
Day 24 ~ Compassion: notice yourself just stop creating stories in general. Everyone is worthy of love … you see that more and their digressions don’t even phase you ….because they’re not about you at all.
Day 25 ~ Notice how often you are playing your new story. Notice it getting stronger. Watch for the evidence that your new story IS, in fact, true. “This person listened, that person listened,” turns into “people DO listen to me.”


Renewal & Possibilities

March’s journey is about

  1. revitalizing dreams that have waned
  2. investing in awakened inspirations

New thoughts and ideas form after last month’s reclamation. Now is the time to give them shape and purpose.

With grace and ease I allow curiosity to be my guide as it leads me toward my greater purpose.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: This is a chance to take notice of what is different now that you’ve let go of some baggage in February. Don’t be surprised if more baggage came up too, that’s totally ok. You are most likely feeling a sense of lightness, of renewal. As your bandwidth increases you want to be intentional about what you do with it so you don’t settle right back into old patterns.

Day 1 ~ How are you feeling, in your body, after February’s work? Start connecting to the messages from your body as you move forward. It plays a BIG part in your intuition.
Day 2 ~ How are you feeling emotionally? Do you see any other stories come up? Or same stories but in a different way? That’s normal…this work happens in a spiral, not a line. It gets easier over time.
Day 3 ~ How are you feeling energetically?  Do you need time to rest? Are you revved up? Just notice what you need.
Day 4 ~ How are you feeling about your future possibilities? Hopeful? Scared? There’s no wrong answer, you’re just taking stock.
Day 5 ~ Looking back on your life, what has been your path to growth and development? A buckle down, just do it, willpower? A keep the end-goal in mind, just take the next step and trust the process? Just go with the flow in every aspect? (Hint: Likely, it’s all three ~ find examples for each).
Day 6 ~ When you consider a more organic path to growth (rather than sheer willpower) what might that look like? How have you done it in the past?
Day 7 ~ Do you know of anyone who operates with a “natural, trust the process” type success? How do they do it?
Day 8 ~ If you were to drop “The Struggle” what would you have more energy for?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Consider the resources you have available to you experience renewal and shift your focus to what is possible. Taking stock IS action so it is important to resist any temptation you may have to “go big or go home.” You’re changing your old, exhausting ways and that takes practices. It’s ok if it feels uncomfortable for awhile.

Day   9 ~ Do you have access to the conditions you need to relax and regroup? What are they? Trusted friend? Time away?
Day 10 ~ What do you have access to that refuels you? Good book? Concert? Laugh with friends?
Day 11 ~ What are you willing to redefine to set yourself up for success? “Reasonable” timeframe? Small wins/milestones? Success/Failure?
Day 12 ~ What opportunities are coming down the pipe? What obstacles?
Day 13 ~ Who do you know from your past that has said “you know what you should do/be?!” with excitement? They see something in yourself that you can’t necessarily see or fully own.
Day 14 ~ Who is new to your circle (especially after letting go last month) that sees certain potential in you?
Day 15 ~ What are you curious about? Do you have resources available to pursue that curiosity?
Day 16 ~ Is there anything ahead of you that just feels good to think about or do (regardless of whether or not it makes sense? What is it? What do you want/need to do something about it?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action portion: Review your answers from the Clarity and Gathering Portions of March and start moving forward on some of your ideas. There is NO rush, no “right” timeline, for any of this. Walk in faith, sure…but WALK. Purposeful action will always guide you to the next, most meaningful step.

Day 17 ~ Rest.
Day 18 ~ Refuel.
Day 19 ~ Recharge.
Day 20 ~ The opportunities you identified…prepare for them. Same with the obstacles. Not out of urgency or fear…out of curiosity and playfulness.
Day 21 ~ That person who knew you when…call them. If you’ve taken the Conscious Transitions course use the “All About Me Coffee Date” to get the most out of the reconnection. Return the gift, too…loads of insight. And it’s actually pretty fun!
Day 22 ~ The person who sees greatness in you now…call them. If you’ve taken the Conscious Transitions course use the “All About Me Coffee Date” to get the most out of the connection. Return the gift, too…loads of insight. And it’s actually pretty fun!
Day 23 ~ The stuff you wanted to learn…learn it. Sign up for the course, get the app, read the book, just learn the thing.
Day 24 ~ The inspiration you had that just felt right… do it. Not because it makes sense but because you are inspired to do it.


First Steps

April’s journey is about toddling into your hopeful, yet uncertain, future. You will reintroduce yourself to curiosity and playfulness and use it as your motivation.

With grace and ease I allow play into my life as a guiding force toward my highest good.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: Spend the next few days getting really clear on how far you’ve already come during this intentional living journey. Most often when people get intentional, forgive and seek purpose their relationships change. The people in your life who don’t really get it will either fade away or suddenly start working for the relationship and you’ll never be able to predict who will do what. Clarity is just about the noticing. No judgement at all takes place here as we assess our changing reality.

Day 1 ~ What are some of your most impactful memories from the past few months?
Day 2 ~ Who have you said, “goodbye” too? Who have you met? Whose relationship has changed (or is in the midst of change)?
Day 3 ~ What have you learned?
Day 4 ~ What are you grieving? What are you celebrating? (Hint: it’s ok, if you’re doing a bit of both)
Day 5 ~ What kind of memories would you like to make in the next several months?
Day 6 ~ What kind of person would you like to meet?
Day 7 ~ What would you like to learn?
Day 8 ~ What kind of change are you willing to make in yourself?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Now it is time to evaluate your internal and external resources so that in the Action Portion you can fully take advantage of what is already available to you.

Day   9 ~ What resources do you have available to you to make the memories you’d like to make?
Day 10 ~ Who knows the type of person you’d like to meet?
Day 11 ~ How can you connect to what you want to learn? Physically (like joining a Meetup group) or Personally (like continuous forgiveness work from February)
Day 12 ~ How does it feel to consider the possibilities that arose in the last 3 days? Physically (use your body’s intuition) and emotionally (are new stories arising or can you celebrate the ones that don’t come up anymore?)
Day 13 ~ What are you able and willing to do to make the memories you’ve visualized?
Day 14 ~ Who are you able and willing to meet to make the memories you’ve visualized?
Day 15 ~ What are you able and willing to learn to make the memories you’ve visualized?
Day 16 ~ What are you able and willing to change to make the memories you’ve visualized?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: This is your chance to walk your talk. All of the things you identified in the Gathering Portion…start doing them.

Day 17 ~ Continually visualize the memories you aim to make. Keep them in the forefront of your mind.
Day 18 ~ Ask for that introduction from the person who knows the type of person you’d like to meet.
Day 19 ~ Learn the thing.
Day 20 ~ Every time your trust in this process falters is a time to practice a deeper trust.
Day 21 ~ Do the thing to make the memory.
Day 22 ~ Meet the person who can help you make the memory.
Day 23 ~ Recommit to the learning and practice it takes to grow into the kind of person you want to be.
Day 24 ~ Change the thing.



May’s journey is about creating the environment that supports your growth and renewal. You’ll investigate the resources you have available that already support you and you’ll consider what resources may need changing or purging.

With grace and ease allow for and create the thoughts, habits and conditions that support my evolution into purpose.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: This portion allows you to get really clear on what it really means for you grow, evolve and take ownership of your purpose, because for many of us the idea of nurturing our own growth is almost foreign.

Day 1 ~ What connotations do I have around the word “nurture?”
Day 2 ~ What else can I make “nurture” mean for me?
Day 3 ~ In what ways do I currently nurture my personal growth?
Day 4 ~ How do the people I love get the nurturing they need for personal growth? Who gives it to them? In what ways?
Day 5 ~ How can I nurture my own personal growth?
Day 6 ~ How am I willing to receive nurturing from others?
Day 7 ~ What stories come up for me as I consider self-nurturing? “Yay, it’s about time!” or “Yeah, but others deserve it more?” or something else entirely?
Day 8 ~ How do I feel when I nurture myself compared to when I nurture others?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: It’s time to get your nurturing ducks in a row! What do you have at your disposal to help you self-nurture?

Day   9 ~ I defined “nurture” as ________ on Day 1. How do I define it now?
Day 10 ~ Who can I talk to about their thoughts on nurturing?
Day 11 ~ In what ways would I like to nurture my personal growth?
Day 12 ~ Are there ways the people whose personal growth I’ve nurtured might nurture mine in return?
Day 13 ~ Reflect on Day 5. What did I identify and what is the first step I am able and willing to take?
Day 14 ~ Reflect on Day 6. What specific requests am I willing to make of others who may be willing to nurture me?
Day 15 ~ How can I use or change my story about self-nurturing to support my growth?
Day 16 ~ What positive, rewarding associations can I make when I self-nurture?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: Review your answers from the Gathering Portion and start doing some of the things you’ve lined up.

Day 17 ~ Write down your new definition of nurture and combine it with an intention. For example, “Nurturing is an act of loving kindness that provides the conditions for a person to feel safe while they grow and change. Every day I will nurture myself with at least one of the following practices: 1) saying, ‘no’ w/o needing a good excuse, 2) removing myself from other people’s drama, 3) doing something just for the fun of it.
Commit to this every single day.
Day 18 ~ Schedule a hike or coffee date with the person (people) you identified on Day 10. Show up. Be vulnerable.
Day 19 ~ Reflect on Day 11. Schedule some of those in. Watch for opportunities to practice them in real-time.
Day 20 ~ Reflect on Day 12. Of the people you currently nurture…Ask. Without any expectation of agreement on their part or any outcome at all. Just ask.
Day 21 ~ Reflect on Day 13. Take the step. Again and again and again.
Day 22 ~ Reflect on Day 14. Of anyone else who might be willing or have insight or resources for you…Ask. Without any expectation of agreement on their part or any outcome at all. Just ask.
Day 23 ~ Reflect on Day 15. Practice the changes. Or if there aren’t changes…bring what works to the forefront and do it more often.
Day 24 ~ Reflect on Day 16. Do it. When you ask for what you need…celebrate that as a win (not the outcome). When you said, ‘no’ for no other reason than you didn’t want to do what was asked, celebrate yourself! Count the small wins!!



June’s journey is about taking inspired action. You’re leaving “The Struggle” behind as you build the foundation of sustainable growth.

With grace and ease I trust my Self and surrender to the process that leads me toward my greater purpose.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: In February you learned to let go. In March you learned to begin again. April taught you about really getting things done and in May you discovered how to take care of yourself while you grow. June is the culmination of those activities. Here you will use your intuition to guide your action. You will practice trusting your instincts. You will create a new way to operate that doesn’t need to include burnout, exhaustion or frustration because as you are guided to recharge or nurture you simply will. As you are guided to act, you will do so swiftly and definitively (without pros/cons-ing yourself to death). Trust, surrender. Trust, surrender.

Day 1 ~ In what situations are my instincts the strongest?
Day 2 ~ In what situations are my instincts the most reliable?
Day 3 ~ When I get a feeling to pull away from a person or activity where do I feel it in my body?
Day 4 ~ When I get a feeling that draws me toward a person or activity where do I feel it in my body?
Day 5 ~ When I trust my instincts others do/say ____________.
Day 6 ~ When I don’t trust my instincts others do/say ___________.
Day 7 ~ When I trust my instincts my inner voice says _______________.
Day 8 ~ When I don’t trust my instincts my inner voice says _____________.

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: We’re going to anticipate as much as we can so we have a plan in place when opportunities to tune in arise. You’ll also have plenty of practice in other areas. The idea is to create a habit out of following the guidance of your highest Self. Don’t worry too much about “mistakes.” The more attachment you have to life being “comfortable and safe” the more “mistakes” you’ll make. That’s ok. Over time you’ll realize that there really are NO mistakes and that sometimes the lesson or the opportunity are found in the uncomfortable circumstances. With acceptance of this fact you’ll naturally find yourself feeling more and more comfortable with what IS instead of working against forces you cannot control.

Day   9 ~ Reflect on Day 1: What situations are coming down the pipe that match these circumstances?
Day 10 ~ Reflect on Day 2: What situations are coming down the pipe that match these circumstances?
Day 11 ~ Reflect on Day 3: Do you have any current conditions that make you feel this way?
Day 12 ~ Reflect on Day 4: Do you have any current conditions that make you feel this way?
Day 13 ~ Reflect on Day 5: How does that feel and why? Does it embolden or weaken you? Do you believe them? Is it useful? Do you have to use their input?
Day 14 ~ Reflect on Day 6: How does that feel and why? Does it embolden or weaken you? Do you believe them? Is it useful? Do you have to use their input?
Day 15 ~ Reflect on Day 7: What do you have to embolden your inner voice (if it’s positive) or diminish it (if it’s negative)? (Hint: Body Compass, ANY of the F.A.I.L.* to Win tools or any other acquired wisdom.)
Day 16 ~ Reflect on Day 8: What do you have to come to grace with yourself and let go? (Hint: February’s questions, ANY of the tools in Conscious Transitions, the LOVE portion of F.A.I.L.* to Win or any other acquired wisdom.)

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: We could just say, “trust and surrender,” on each and every day, couldn’t we? It’s time to do the thing. 🙂

Day 17 ~ Reflect on Day 9: As these events occur ~ tune in and trust yourself…rather, your Self.
Day 18 ~ Reflect on Day 10: As these events occur ~ tune in and trust your Self.
Day 19 ~ Reflect on Day 11: What does your intuition tell you to do about these conditions? Do it.
Day 20 ~ Reflect on Day 12: What does your intuition tell you to do about these conditions? Do it.
Day 21 ~ Reflect on Day 13: Choose which voices to listen to. Purposefully seek out proof of their validity.
Day 22 ~ Reflect on Day 14: Choose which voices to listen to. Purposefully seek out proof of their validity.
Day 23 ~ Reflect on Day 15: Love and listen to your inner voice. When it gets ornery…listen harder. Hear it’s fears and approach it like a child whispering assurances and making deals with it if necessary. Your old programs need to know they’ve been heard before they’ll step aside for the new programs.
Day 24 ~ Reflect on Day 16: Love and listen to your inner voice. When it gets ornery…listen harder. Hear it’s fears and approach it like a child whispering assurances and making deals with it if necessary. Your old programs need to know they’ve been heard before they’ll step aside for the new programs.


Passion & Purpose

July’s journey is about identifying and acting on some of the inspirations that June’s work made way for. Your Highest Self is (and always has been) guiding you to use your special gifts. Now that you are listening to and trusting this guidance it’s time to narrow it down and do something with it.


With grace and ease I step into my unique talents so that I may use them in service to myself, others and our shared circumstances.



Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: Get clear on what your inspirations have been (old and new).

Day 1 ~ I’ve noticed, after trusting and surrendering to my intuition that I’ve been continually guided to _____________.
Day 2 ~ Are there commonalities between what I’m being guided to now compared to in the past?
Day 3 ~ What are the outcomes of some of my conversations with people? Have the reflected anything back to me that I might’ve missed? (Hint: “The thing about you is _______,” or “You know what you’d be good at?” or “I’ve always thought you should be doing _________.”)
Day 4 ~ I remember when I used to love __________.
Day 5 ~ I always saw myself ______________.  or I thought I’d be doing _____________ by now.
Day 6 ~ What have I found in my recharging process that brings me joy?
Day 7 ~ What have I done for others that seems to solve a problem?
Day 8 ~ What common thread is there in all of my past jobs, hobbies and pastimes?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Review the resources you have available to you to move toward your passion and purpose. Really though…this is all an exercise in “how can I do more of that thing I’m being guided toward?”

Day   9 ~ Reflect on Day 1: What do I have in me, of me or around me to help me do more of that?
Day 10 ~ Reflect on Day 2: What do I have that will help me make comparisons? Old journals? Old friends?
Day 11 ~ Reflect on Day 3: Who has said those things and could have some follow up conversations about their insights?
Day 12 ~ Reflect on Day 4: In what ways can I do that thing I used to love again?
Day 13 ~ Reflect on Day 5: Is there anything that can help me marry my previous dreams with my new discoveries? Conferences? Courses? Books? Hobbies? People?
Day 14 ~ Reflect on Day 6: In what ways can I incorporate more of that thing that brings me joy?
Day 15 ~ Reflect on Day 7: Who can I brainstorm with about ways I can help solve that problem for others?
Day 16 ~ Reflect on Day 8: What do I have that will help me see commonalities I may have missed? Old journals? Old friends?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: I know it can be scary but you’re closing in now! Have those conversations and do those things you identified because August is going to be all about actually doing “The Thing” you’re meant to do! Don’t worry, September is about the recharge. You can do this!

Day 17 ~ Reflect on Day 9: Do more of that.
Day 18 ~ Reflect on Day 10: Use those resources.
Day 19 ~ Reflect on Day 11: Follow up with those people.
Day 20 ~ Reflect on Day 12: Do more of it.
Day 21 ~ Reflect on Day 13: Try some of those things.
Day 22 ~ Reflect on Day 14: Incorporate more of that.
Day 23 ~ Reflect on Day 15: Brainstorm.
Day 24 ~ Reflect on Day 16: Review again and again.



August’s journey is the culmination of all of your efforts so far rolled up into a “do the thing already” kind of package. It’s time to experiment with ‘the thing’ you suspect you’re meant to do. It’s different for everyone but most people experience a bit of an excitement-fear-exhiliration-‘omg what did I get myself into’-‘this is awesome why haven’t I done this sooner’ kind of journey. Buckle up!


With grace and ease, with grace and ease, with grace and ease I walk in faith that my purpose continually unfolds and that all of my experiences serve that greater purpose.



Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: Your purpose is revealed and practiced EVERYWHERE. Take a closer look and just keep re-commiting to it. It all gets easier over time.

Day 1 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my regular routine?
Day 2 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my career?
Day 3 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my familial relationships?
Day 4 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my friendships?
Day 5 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my personal health?
Day 6 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my education?
Day 7 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my hobbies?
Day 8 ~ Where am I practicing/experimenting/discovering my purpose in my boundaries?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Consider where you have the bandwidth to do more. It’s ok if the answer is “I could do more of it here, but right now I don’t have it in me.” Simply identify where you the possibilities lie.

Day   9 ~ Reflect on Day 1: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 10 ~ Reflect on Day 2: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 11 ~ Reflect on Day 3: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 12 ~ Reflect on Day 4: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 13 ~ Reflect on Day 5: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 14 ~ Reflect on Day 6: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 15 ~ Reflect on Day 7: How can you incorporate more of it?
Day 16 ~ Reflect on Day 8: How can you incorporate more of it?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: Gather ye rosebuds, my Lovelies!! Add more purpose where you’re ready, willing and able. For stuff you just don’t have the bandwidth for just take good notes and remember to try again when you’re ready. You’re meant to get a little messy here but not completely bury yourself with it all. Grace and ease, grace and ease, grace and ease.

Day 17 ~ Reflect on Day 9: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 18 ~ Reflect on Day 10: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 19 ~ Reflect on Day 11: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 20 ~ Reflect on Day 12: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 21 ~ Reflect on Day 13: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 22 ~ Reflect on Day 14: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 23 ~ Reflect on Day 15: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.
Day 24 ~ Reflect on Day 16: Where you’re ready, willing and able…do it. Where it feels the most playful…do it.  Where you have curiosity…do it.



September’s journey is about the seasonal transition. As our routines and lifestyles experience a shift, we have the opportunity to choose everything consciously. From our routines to our hobbies, even or relationships; transitional periods are THE best time to get off mindless defaults and start living on purpose.

With grace and ease I make space for and welcome new, purposeful inspirations.
Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarify: Get clear on what charges your batteries
Day 1 ~ Whose company energizes you?
Day 2 ~ What makes you feel curious?
Day 3 ~ What do you do to “play”
Day 4 ~ What brings out your creativity?
Day 5 ~ Who/What makes you laugh?
Day 6 ~ Where are you when a deep breath feels good?
Day 7 ~ What are your favorite smells, sensations, tastes, sounds?
Day 8 ~ What is your body doing when you feel the most free?
Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gather: Take stock of and round up the resources that can help you recharge.
Day 9 ~ Make plans with a person or two from your list of people who energize you.
Day 10 ~ Set aside time, in your calendar, for you to explore your curiosities.
Day 11 ~ Schedule one or more of your “play” items.
Day 12 ~ Prepare for your creative endeavors. Buy the stuff, take the class, etc.
Day 13 ~ What kinds of activities can you plan for the people who make you laugh?
Day 14 ~ When can you go to the place where you can breathe deeply and feel free? How often?
Day 15 ~ Buy, make or un-store your favorite items.
Day 16 ~ How often a day/week/month can you engage in the physical activity that makes you feel free?
Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action: Follow through with the plans you’ve put into place.
Day 17 ~ Visualize the time you’ll be spending with the people who energize you. Make sure to show up to your ‘dates’ with them.
Day 18 ~ Make the appointments you made for your curiosities, even if it’s only a few pages at night or a once a month class.
Day 19 ~ Play, play, play! It’s ok if you have to re-learn. Lots of people do.
Day 20 ~ Build, make, sculpt, write … actually engage in the creative endeavor you planned for.
Day 21 ~ Throw that party. Go dancing. Whatever your laughing buddies may like…get them together and DO it!
Day 22 ~ Remember that place where you can breathe? Go there.
Day 23 ~ Show up for yourself in your physical play time. However you carved out that time…do it.
Day 24 ~

Purposeful Transition

October’s journey is about making a conscious move from our warm weather selves to our cool weather selves. As family routines change so do office dynamics and everything in between. This is a time to take stock of what has been built and get intentional about what you’l like to build moving forward.


With grace and ease I appreciate what has been and keep my eyes open to all possibilities (expected and unexpected) of what might be.




Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity Portion: Reflect on what you’ve created and experienced. Get Intentional about what you’d like to create and experience moving forward.

Day 1 ~ Record an reflect on some of your most meaningful summer memories.
Day 2 ~ Who did you meet this summer?
Day 3 ~ What did you learn?
Day 4 ~ What are you grieving and/or celebrating from the past few months?
Day 5 ~ What kind of memories would you like to make in the next few months?
Day 6 ~ Who would you like to meet?
Day 7 ~ What would you like to learn?
Day 8 ~ What kind of changes to yourself are you willing to make?



Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Consider all of the options and resources available to you to help you bring your goals to fruition.

Day  9 ~ What resources do you have to help you make memories?
Day 10 ~ Who knows the type of person (or the actual person) you’d like to meet?
Day 11 ~ How can you connect to what you want to learn?
Day 12 ~ How dos it feel to have those resources available to you? or not?
Day 13 ~ What are you willing to do to make memories?
Day 14 ~ What are you willing to do to foster relationships, new and old?
Day 15 ~ What are you willing to do to learn?
Day 16 ~ What are you willing to do to make the changes in yourself that you’ve identified?


Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion:  Do what you’ve identified. If you haven’t already set up coffee dates, classes or time with the family, now is the time to do it. If you have, make sure you honor those commitments.

Day 17 ~ Make those memories.
Day 18 ~ Ask for the introduction. Or make the introduction for someone else.
Day 19 ~ Sign up for the class, buy the book, schedule the exercises. Treat these like you would commitments for others.
Day 20 ~ Stay present to your process. Each step is a win, Mark it. Remember it. How does that feel?
Day 21 ~ Take note of new inspirations. Connect the dots, enjoy the process.
Day 22 ~ Meet the person you were introduced to. Follow up on any promises made (to make intros, share links, loan books, etc)
Day 23 ~ Show up to class, read the book, do the exercises. Talk about everything you’re learning with others.
Day 24 ~ Count each one of these steps as a RAGING success. Rack up the wins!




November’s journey is all about gratitude practice. In the last two months you’ve recharged, rested and put together a plan for what’s next. Take some time to appreciate your gifts and talents. Shift your attention toward what you have available in yourself, others and your circumstances that empower you to make big changes.


With grace and ease I reclaim any and all energy that has been misplaced in past misdeeds and experiences.



Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity: Take stock of your feelings, beliefs and your habitual stories. There’s no judgement here. We’re simply seeing what we’ve got to work with and shifting everything toward meaning and purpose.

Day 1 ~ Where do I (have I) felt relief?
Day 2 ~ Where do I feel gratitude?
Day 3 ~ What has been uncomfortable but still useful? Do I feel grateful for this?
Day 4 ~ What is painful that I can feel grateful for? and why/how?
Day 5 ~ What is scary that I can feel grateful for? and why/how?
Day 6 ~ When I think about being grateful for the uncomfortable, painful & scary where do I have resistance?
Day 7 ~ What are the things I think I “should” be feeling, thinking or doing? How much guilt do I carry as a result of these perceived failings?
Day 8 ~ When I’m feeling truly grateful, where does it show up in my body?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering: We begin to take stock of what we have available to us in the physical and non-physical to help us move toward true appreciation.

Day   9 ~ What are the circumstances that support relief? “I can only get as far as relief when I _______ (exhausted, neglected, etc).”
Day 10 ~ What are the circumstances that support gratitude? “I really feel it when I _________(focus, talk with a friend, etc).”
Day 11 ~ When something is uncomfortable I can _________ until I feel grateful (or in order to feel grateful)
Day 12 ~ When something is painful I can _________ until I feel grateful (or in order to feel grateful).
Day 13 ~ When something is scary I can ________ until I feel grateful (or in order to feel grateful).
Day 14 ~ Today I will consider how my “yeah, buts” can be “yes, ands.”
Day 15 ~ Today I will replace as many “shoulds” as I can find with “coulds” to remind myself that I get to choose.
Day 16 ~ Other than gratitude itself what brings the physical feeling of gratitude? How can I do more of those things?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action: It’s time to put those plans in place. You have ideas on how to turn your pain, resistance and guilt into gratitude. It’s time to practice.

Day 17 ~ Create the circumstances you said you needed to feel more than just relief (plenty of rest, attentive relationships, etc)
Day 18 ~ Turn the obvious gifts (nice cashier, no accidents, clean underwear, etc) into grateful moments.
Day 19 ~ When something is uncomfortable, use your plan for making it useful and feeling grateful.
Day 20 ~ When something is painful, use your plan for making it useful and feeling grateful.
Day 21 ~ When something is scary, use your plan for making it useful and feeling grateful.
Day 22 ~ Remember the ideas in your ‘yes, ands” ~ begin using them, saying them, searching for them at every possible “yeah,but”
Day 23 ~ You found your “should” (obligation), you realized they’re actually “could” (choice), get clear on what you “would” do (empowerment) to be in alignment with gratitude.
Day 24 ~ Do the things that create the gratitude feeling … even visualizing to manufacture the feeling in your body will cement the shift.


Rebirth & Giving

December’s journey is about abundance, baby! The days begin to lengthen once again bringing forth new hope and vision for everything that has been and everything that is on it’s way. Also, your habits have shifted over the course of the year to notice, take stock of and multiply your resources and gifts. It’s time to behave abundantly and truly enjoy the opportunity to give.

With grace and ease I find that there is always more than enough of everything to enjoy in my life, others’ lives and all of our shared experiences.



Clarity Portion (Days 1-10, minus weekend)
Clarity: Ramp up your efforts to find what is right, what works well and what is good.

Day 1 ~ Look for everything that goes right today. Big and small it all counts.
Day 2 ~ How much good mental and physical health surrounds you each and every day?
Day 3 ~ In traffic and crowds, notice how many accidents don’t happen, imagine the statistics on what goes well!!
Day 4 ~ How many people in a day are kind, courteous or at the very least not at all in your way or harmful?
Day 5 ~ Where in your routine could you be more intentional about helping the good of others?
Day 6 ~ In what was are you healthy? How does that work to your advantage?
Day 7 ~ What do you already do to prevent accidents and injury yourself? How can you celebrate your success rate?
Day 8 ~ Where do you regularly show kindness or grace with others? How might you do more of that?

Gathering Portion (Days 11-20, minus weekend)
Gathering Portion: Take stock of all of your resources…especially those that you take for granted. This isn’t about what EXTRA resources you have. This is about realizing everything that you have and recognizing how you’re already using it.

Day   9 ~ How much time do you have to give? How are you already giving it and to whom?
Day 10 ~ How much money do you have to give? how are you already giving it and to whom?
Day 11 ~ How much attention do you have to give? How are you already giving it and to whom?
Day 12 ~ How much gratitude do you feel within? How are you already basking in that gratitude?
Day 13 ~ How much appreciation do you show others? How are you sharing it and with whom?
Day 14 ~ How much grace do you have to give? How are you already extending it and to whom?
Day 15 ~ How much forgiveness do you have to give? How are you already letting go?
Day 16 ~ How much compassion do you naturally experience? How does it feel to experience it?

Action Portion (Days 21-30, minus weekend)
Action Portion: Do the thing…celebrate the “win” of doing it. It ALL counts even those things you think “that’s just what I do” about. Just because you do it naturally doesn’t mean it isn’t amazing that you do it. This isn’t necessarily about giving MORE of anything, unless you feel motivated to do so. This is about being intentional about how and what you give. Don’t be surprised if you choose to reallocate though. 😉

Day 17 ~ Give of your time today. (Hint: you’re doing it anyway, give credit to your time as a gift to others.)
Day 18 ~ Give of your money today. (Hint: you’re doing it anyway, give credit to your money/exchange as a gift to others.)
Day 19 ~ Give your attention. (Hint: you’re doing it anyway, give credit to your attention as a gift to others.)
Day 20 ~ Fully experience your gratitude for everything you have to give, are able to give and willingly give.
Day 21 ~ Openly appreciate yourself, others or circumstances. Loudly and proudly.
Day 22 ~ Practice grace with people who are so rushed and stressed that they aren’t aware of your gifts or their own.
Day 23 ~ Practice forgiveness from old hurts, old stories and old judgements. Trust that everything has served your highest good and reclaim your energy.
Day 24 ~ More than conscious acts of compassion (do those too), notice where you are naturally compassionate and explore how you can foster that characteristic within yourself as a state of being.

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Because if [Tweet theme=”tweet-string-underlined”]you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten[/Tweet].


If you’re asking the “how did I end up here” type of questions then you desperately need a change toward purpose and/or passion. That kind of change does not happen by accident.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-string-underlined”]Life is like a tapestry. If you don’t like the picture you’ve woven unravel it and begin anew.[/Tweet]I’ve found a way to make that unraveling easy, digestible and minimally disruptive to the parts of your tapestry that you’d like to keep.

  1. You get to take stock of what works,
  2. choose new colors, textures and dimensions and
  3. apply your decades of wisdom in new, purposeful ways.

Overhauling your life without hitting rock bottom ~ Why WOULDN’T you care?!

  1. You receive a work-daily email “Thought Prompt” first thing in the morning.
  2. You consider the thought prompt in any way that brings the most value to you…
    … think about it or
    … meditate on it or
    … journal about it or
    … process it with a friend or
    … however you prefer to learn and process life.
  3. Watch for your patterns … they’ve been there all along, guiding you without your knowledge. Patterns in the way you think, believe and do. Some you may choose to keep. Some you may choose to tweak and others you may choose to abandon altogether simply because they don’t serve you and your new goals anymore.
  4. Simply notice the quiet, yet powerful shifts take place in yourself, in others (as they respond to your changes) and in your circumstances.
No. The opportunity is there for you to take whenever you’d like to use it. In fact, there may be days where the questions don’t seem to apply (but they may the following year since you’ll grow into a state of mind by then).

The best thing you can do is to be curious and playful during the process. Keep it light and fun. It’s not meant to be obligatory.

No! Signup whenever you want to.

Each month builds and connects to the next month and since life is ongoing and our experiences are interconnected so is this opportunity.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-string-underlined”]Any time is a good time to begin again.[/Tweet]

Remember this is an uncovering process. Everything you need is within you and at your fingertips. You’ve just spent your entire life looking at life a certain way so you haven’t seen what else is available to you. Tapping into what works, what you enjoy, what you have, how you feel …. it all creates the environment you need to see what is actually there in terms of your specific skills, talents AND it shifts your energy and attention away from what isn’t working for you and toward what IS (or could be with some small changes).

Trust the process of your unfolding.

The main reason is that it is MY purpose and passion to create and deliver the tools that help you become the happiest, most vibrant version of yourself. I can’t NOT do it.


A great life coach is really good at asking the questions that guide you to YOUR answers. I’m a great life coach.

I also realized that there are a LOT of people out there who could use my other classes and services but who don’t totally understand that its THEM they have to work on and not the world et al. Should these questions get someone to the point where they’re ready for some deeper practices and mind-shifting tools then they may choose me as their coach and take a class.

The questions themselves do a lot of their own work so you may not ever want or need more. You’re welcome to make a Karmic Contribution in order to help me build more stuff like this to keep the good will flowing. 🙂


Love these tools and want to help me make more of them? Make a Karmic Contribution here!

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