Sometimes it’s the little the things that keep you going. <—- Look at that, I misspelled “almost always”

Almost Always It’s The Little Things That Keep You Going

I saw this video at the beginning of the week:

17. We counted them for you. It’s 17.via. Thrasher Magazine

Posted by Mpora on Thursday, July 16, 2015

It reminded me of The Abundance Experiment and absolutely everything I’m building right now. THIS is tenacity. THIS is the truth about a learning curve. THIS is building and/or bettering something. THIS is the journey to success.

I have NO doubt I’m meant to be of service to this world in a big way. I’ve come so close to dying so many times I’ve lost count, yet I’m still here with a heart full of hope. Still, there are times when even I need reminding that so many moments of exhaustion, pain and doubt are perfectly normal.

Then there’s that moment, just like for the skater, when it “clicks.”

I did not reach my 14 day intention. I’ve had so many successes so far in this experiment yet it still hit me hard on Sunday when I didn’t have that one last push.

That’s ok. I’m forging ahead with my next goal which was 1 month to reach $5000 or more. The money can come from expected AND unexpected places.

I can feel the doubt arising in my mind and body, even as I type this, “Triffany…you just put the time and the dollar amount and made it public!! What if you don’t make it? What if this is all a sham? What if you don’t truly believe that it’s possible so it doesn’t come and you have to give up?” The doubt sits like cork in the center of my torso, diminishing my creative energies down to a trickle.

I will not resist fear (from the manifesto)

Today I’m going to catalog some of the grand successes I’ve had in the last few days (even though they weren’t monetary) and then I’m going to meditate on that cork and see what it has to tell me.

The Little Things

  • Thursday my article 7 Ways to Raise a Child Who Actually Trusts AND Respects You hit the home page of
  • Thursday night the article “Dear Haters, YOU are the Reason Caitlyn Jenner Deserves her Courage Award” just poured out of me like it was nothing. By Friday morning it was not just on the YourTango homepage it was in the first banner slot so it was the first thing you saw on the site!! Right now it has 1.4K shares and over 13K reads.
  • Friday afternoon I’d hoped to get a little work done at the Aquarium while my daughter was on not-a-date with her, then, not-a-boyfriend (who is now her boyfriend) and ended up getting a lot more done than expected while in the company of this giant fish that literally parked himself near me the entire time I was there AND got to see a two-toed sloth named Aspen.
  • Also, on Friday I was informed that I’d be teaching a couple last minute additions to my F.A.I.L. to Win Introductory course at CFU the following day. One of whom attended a speech I’d given and wanted to see me again.
  • Saturday, I had a great class with smart, creative women and while I was gone my kids bathed the dog. We have a husky who hates baths so that’s no easy task.
  • Sunday I got an unexpected invitation from my wonderful-est friend Freya to come over and finish a lawn art project we’d started once.
  • That same night, my kids cleaned and I mean really cleaned the kitchen…like they cared about our home.

LOOK at what’s really happening there. I’m in this feeling space of abundance (most of the time) and all of a sudden

  • creativity is pouring out of me,
  • people are finding me,
  • people are drawn to the work do,
  • I’m surrounded by great minds and warm hearts,
  • Even my teenagers are stepping up!!

The little things are the big things. The little things (each attempt) are tenacity. The little things (each small shift, change, readjustment) are the truth about the learning curve. The little things (each recommitment) are building and/or bettering everything. The little things (creativity, magnetism, good people) are the journey to success!

I’m reminded, again, of what of my great realizations studying Joseph Campbell’s depiction of the hero’s journey. Success is not built on a commitment to achieve a goal. Success is built on a thousand re-commitments to the learning and growth that allows for the goal to come to fruition.

What are some of your “little things?”