by Triffany | Mar 12, 2019 | Reinventing Yourself
What You Know And What You Believe Are Often Two Different Things “2-6 weeks recovery time”, he said.”No big deal,” I’ve been telling everyone. As I think back to the trajectory of my knee health I remember that denial is the first phase...
by Triffany | Mar 5, 2019 | Reinventing Yourself
Letting Go Is Surprisingly Hard Work In an ideal world, February’s work on forgiveness as a function of Love left you feeling like a brand new person with a clean slate looking for reinvention. That’s in an ideal world. The reality is quite a bit...
by Triffany | Feb 8, 2019 | Reinventing Yourself
To love Or To BE Love? In January I re-tore meniscus in my left knee. Down side: I re-tore my meniscus. Upside: I had lots and lots of time to binge watch “Sex in the City.” If not for my injury I might never have seen...
by Triffany | Jan 8, 2019 | Reinventing Yourself
Are you really, REALLY going with the flow? Last week we talked about the rough and tumble side of the journey toward your goals. Rough and tumble you’re used to, I’m sure. But seeing it as a useful and even necessary part of your path is a whole new...
by Triffany | Jun 22, 2018 | Reinventing Yourself
You’ve watched others get promoted over you time and time again. Despite the fact that you have been there the longest, have the most education and produce the greatest results it seems like no matter what you do the people who make the big decisions simply can’t see...
by Triffany | May 14, 2018 | Reinventing Yourself
The Rage Quit videos on the internet are great entertainment. They may have even given you the courage to quit your soul-sucking job. There’s a reason you don’t see the aftermath though…it’s hard work figuring out what comes next....
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