I Hit A Wall

I Hit A Wall

It happened. For all of my intentionality and verve I still hit a wall. This is how I plan to get my groove back. I ran out of steam, I tuckered out…however you like to put it basically I simply hit a wall. It’s not like I haven’t been working on my...
I Always Get What I Want

I Always Get What I Want

 I sat down to journal about a dream I had. This came out instead I’m just going to quote straight from my journal. The odd thing about this is that I had intended to do a dream analysis on a very vivid dream I’d had. My pen took over…...
Abundance of Besties

Abundance of Besties

I cannot count my blessings in abundance without counting my beautiful, wonderful, amazing besties. I Have An Abundance Of Besties You know that giddy feeling I talk about? My abundance feeling? I notice I get that same feeling when I’m with people I feel fully...
I Feel Giddy, OH so Giddy!!

I Feel Giddy, OH so Giddy!!

I feel giddy, oh so giddy! Oh so giddy and witty and briiiiight!!! When I feel giddy, I feel abundant. One of my most favorite feelings is the after-glow of a productive day. Knowing that I handily accomplished a lot of goals in short amount of time while also taking...
A Dream Analysis

A Dream Analysis

A dream analysis reveals some pretty powerful messages and I feel like they relate to this experiment somehow. A Dream And A Dream Analysis Sooo….I had a dream last night and did an analysis on it this morning. Dreams have been coming to me a lot lately and the...